Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Discommunication Seireihen chapter 14

I had expected this volume to be more action-oriented, but aside from this chapter it's words words words.


jaricleiv said...

thank you for great translation! it is possible to find somewhere translated "Discommunications" (prequel of Disc Seireihen)?

mako said...

As far as I know, there are no translations of the original Discommunication.

jaricleiv said...

to mako

:(((( But why?

mako said...

1) It's long. 2) It's "weird". 3) It's a lot of work.

I'd like to work on it, but I need to be more fluent in the language before I can tackle a 13 volume series.

jaricleiv said...

OK. I hope that somewhen someone will translate it. Thanx for your present work.